
TABC seamlessly integrates the latest educational technology to benefit its students and teachers, starting with our learning management system (LMS), Schoology. Schoology allows teachers to create, store and organize their courses digitally, providing students with easy access to all of their course content online. Students upload assignments digitally to Schoology, engage in online discussions with their classmates, and keep tabs on their grades via the Schoology gradebook. Schoology synchronizes with Google Apps for Education and other educational apps.

TABC has carts of iPads and Chromebooks available for classroom use; our Chromebooks are used extensively in the writing workshop and other such classes. The iPads are also available for students to create iMovies, Explain Everything videos, digital artwork and more.

Digital literacy skills are an important component of our students’ education. TABC continues to integrate assignments into the curriculum that target 21st century digital literacy skills. Our students gain proficiency in digital storytelling, blogging, podcasting and other modalities of communication beyond print.